KALOK YEUNG IS A CREATIVE DIRECTOR / DESIGNER FROM AMSTERDAM.He blends creativity and technology to create contemporary narratives.

Bakken & Baeck


Bakken & Bæck is a technology-driven design studio. Building digital products, brands and businesses, we help ambitious companies identify, explore and respond to new opportunities.

Dev → Ezekiel Aquino, Luuk Janssens, Fenna de Wilde, Design → Kalok Yeung, Mar Ginot Blanco, Art Direction → Anita Silva, Valerie Steenhaut, Text → Iris Cuppen, Film → Michele Foti & Mandunese, studio → bakken & bæck

Kalok Yeung is a Creative Director and Digital Designer based in Amsterdam. Specialising in creating contemporary narratives that seamlessly blend creativity with technology, he is specialised in cultural, creative, and tech sectors. Kalok has collaborated with brands, including Amsterdam Dance Event (ADE), Bakken & Bæck, De School, EYE Film Museum, OWL, Phantom, and RAMP. His work has been featured on The FWA, Awwwards, The Brand Identity, It's Nice That, and Hoverstates.

Services:Branding, Creative Direction,
Web Design & Consults

For enquieries: kalokyeung@gmail.com